Now, though, marriage is a huge deal. It's a huge deal in that we longer want to deal with stupid shit and demand assurance of a peachy marriage in advance.
Well, there is no such assurance. Marriage is the ultimate proverbial "leap of faith". If you're cool with dying alone, don't get married; but if you would rather take a bit of shit now and then (or frequently if you're unlucky) than to eat oatmeal and shop for your own headstone alone, these are some of the most fundamental signs for you of a guy who is not ready for marriage (or any kind of relationship at that).
1. He Can't Pay For His Own Meal
It doesn't even matter if you're rich enough to support him. Any decent guy who is mature enough to get married should have a stable job. The fact that he would even consider marriage before getting a stable job shows he's not ready.
Several obvious hints exist for this type of person, such as
- always "forgets" his wallet,
- never asks for the bill himself,
- asks you if you have money before going into a restaurant,
- lives with his parents after the age of 35,
- thinks working hard is for losers.
2. He Thinks Cheating Only Applies To The Wife
I've actually heard this plenty of times: "Men have urges, unlike women. So for men, it's not really cheating, just fulfilling a primal need." Wow. Comparing cheating on your wife with taking a shit. That's just insulting.
These type of guys often
- think that commitments are unnecessary,
- insist that you quit your job and stay at home,
- get incredibly upset when you touch their phones,
- demand that you cut off all relationships with anything classified as male,
- have incredibly mysterious relationships with other women that he refuses to explain.
3. He Only Bathes When The Flies Around Him Start To Annoy Him
Smell is pretty damn important, isn't it? Not to mention just general hygiene. So if a person can't be bothered with cleaning himself, most likely he can't be bothered with doing any other fundamental tasks that are important in life. Ditch him immediately.
Also watch for
- dirty and/or long fingernails,
- dirty/old/torn up shoes,
- dandruff blizzard,
- stained clothing, and
- a cockroach-infested car.
Not sure what day and age or twilight zone a guy lives in to think this way, but believe me, there are plenty of them out there. Stay away at all cost.
Signs that you might find for this are
- doesn't listen much and instead talks about himself all the time,
- seems to listen to you but never actually does what you say,
- always stops you from giving any strong opinions by kissing you or turning it into sex,
- constantly tells you what to wear, and
- demands sex whenever he wants it and can't take no for an answer.
5. He Thinks Women Don't Fart
Think no guy actually think like this? Think again.
These guys usually
- are virgins,
- want you to be a virgin,
- think that a wife is a maid + prostitute they don't have to pay for,
- want you to look "pretty" 24 hours a day until you die (while they walk around in dirty underwear with dried-up come), and
- think you secretly like to be their bitch.
I'm a guy, yet I specifically wrote this about guys, because I'm so sick of these type of jerks giving the entire genre of males a bad reputation.
It's getting more and more tough to have a decent marriage. In fact, it's getting more and more tough to even have decent relationships without most women nowadays looking at you like you're scum. Unfortunately, the main reason for this is because most guys are scum.
Hopefully, this will not only act as a guide for women of what to avoid, but also as a guide for men of what not to become.